Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I dream a lot. I dream of doing great things. I dream of living life to the fullest. I dream of taking risks without any hesitation if I think its worth my while. I dream of doing some top notch research which involves a lot of math. At the same time, I dream of ramping up my running and biking.. Doing marathons and long-distance cycling. I dream of being in a state where I can do all of these things and even more...that state of mind where you are very clear of what's to be done next..nay, what's do be done now, at this very moment. I dream of being a god in my area of research. I dream...I dream..and I dream.
My dreams will just be dreams as long as I only dream and not act. I realise the great potential in these dreams, but at the same time I realise the importance of being down-to-earth, on the importance of knowing where I stand right now as against where I dream myself to be. Consistency in work is more important than random spurts of good work. That's what a phd is all about...Consistent work in an area that interests' you.
And finally, I dream of being consistent in my work.

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